Subtle Suicide:
Our Silent Epidemic of Ambivalence About Living
By Michael A. Church Ph.D. and Charles I. Brooks, Ph.D.


Subtle Suicide: A Silent Epidemic

Michael Church, Ph.D., Licensed Pennsylvania Psychologist and member of the Council of National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, has developed the clinical concept of Subtle Suicide from thousands of hours of psychotherapy with psychiatric clients.

Millions of people suffer from subtle suicide.

Subtle Suicide is a condition of epidemic proportions. Unfortunately, because the condition is often misdiagnosed, subtle suicide remains a silent epidemic.

Subtle Suicide - Our Silent Epidemic of Ambivalence About Living

Subtle Suicide is:

A pattern of self-destructive feelings, thoughts and behaviors that take place over a substantial period of time, and significantly reduce the quality and possibly length of one's life.

Subtle suicide sufferers are often misdiagnosed, and treated for addictive gambling, alcohol/drug abuse, or a standard psychological disorder like anxiety, depression, bipolar, etc. The fact is, in the case of the subtle suicide victim, these addictions and conditions are symptoms and not the core problem. Treatments targeted at such addictions and conditions are likely to fail. For example, is an addiction the fundamental problem causing the subtle suicide profile, or is the addiction the result of ambivalence about living (subtle suicide) that occurred because of the individuals life experiences and deeper core conflicts? Helpers must realize this very important distinction, or they may be lulled into believing that the subtle suicide sufferer simply needs to stop drinking, gambling, or take medicine for a bipolar or social anxiety condition, whatever the diagnosis may be.

Subtle suicide victims say things like:

Some Comments from Readers of Subtle Suicide:
